allergic reaction

15th September 2015

Younique mascara…

    I hear people raving about Younique Mascara saying how wonderful it is so I thought I would take a closer look… The Ingredient list can be found here on their website.  They claim this mascara increases average lash […]
7th September 2015

Perfume – Unregulated…

Perfume is an unregulated industry!             I have had problems with MCS [multiple chemical sensitivity] & have a severe allergic reaction to some perfumes, after shaves, air fresheners & laundry/ & cleaning products so I […]
5th September 2015

Allergic Reaction?

So What is an Allergic Reaction?     Irritated skin can be caused by a variety of factors. These include immune system disorders, medications & infections. When an allergen triggers an immune system response, then this is called an allergic […]