
11th February 2016

Shea Butter Moisturiser

    I have been experimenting in making my own moisturiser.  The criteria was that it needed to be organic & not contain any chemicals & it needed to be quick & simple – no more difficult than going to […]
5th September 2015

Allergic Reaction?

So What is an Allergic Reaction?     Irritated skin can be caused by a variety of factors. These include immune system disorders, medications & infections. When an allergen triggers an immune system response, then this is called an allergic […]
25th June 2015

Propylene Glycol

    The only difference between that used in industry & that used in cosmetics is that one is certified bacteria free. However the way the science reads I would prefer to be without it. Propylene glycol is a humectant […]
2nd June 2015

California Safe Cosmetics Programme

  No smoke without fire… there is no way a US government department would set up this reporting system if there were no concerns in the matter.   California has responded to public demand & is attempting to go further than […]
28th May 2015


        Not to be confused with generally recognised as safe & effective! This is the US official view: “GRAS” is an acronym for the phrase Generally Recognized As Safe. Under sections 201(s) and 409 of the Federal […]